Monday, May 5, 2014

Our new Charity!

Hello everyone! We have started our own Charity! It's called the Sutton Station- a free depot to provide clothes to AZ foster kids!

 Please check out the Sutton Station Depot page listed at the top of the blog. We are just getting started, so we need a lot of donations to be able to begin helping people! Please spread the word on facebook, with friends, family, anyone who might need us or who might want to help!

If you would like to make a donation please contact me for the address to bring the items! We are very excited to be starting this opportunity and hope to be able to help children who need to feel loved, need to belong, and deserve to have nice things of their own! From our experiences and those of people we know, foster children come to new homes with nothing. They have lost their family, if they are lucky they have an extra outfit packed, usually the wrong size, no toys, books blankets, nothing to call their own. They are afraid, living with total strangers, and have no control over what is happening in their life. By giving these special children items of their own, it helps them feel safe, builds their self confidence, and provides a sense of control of what they wear, what they play with, and small comforts like a special toy or blanket that they may never have had before.

There are so many people who want to help save children around the world. We want to do that too, but we looked into our own community and found a need that we could fill. But we can't do it alone! We need your help! We need to spread the word to have donations available to the children in need, and also that we are here, ready to help! Please spread the word any way you can!

Thank you for your support and generosity, and for sharing our passion with others. From experience both my husband and I know that helping a child feel more safe and secure is the most amazing gift you could ever give. And you will always feel like it is the best you could ever receive!

For questions or to find out more, please email me at