Saturday, March 23, 2013

My own recipe!!

So, today I decided to be daring like the great cooks of old and make up... my own banana bread recipe! Ken had his doubts, which he lovingly expressed over his chedderwurst siracha tortilla wrapped hot mess I made him. So if he likes that, it's definitely a bit concerning for him to be worried about my bread.

I am desperately trying to use up my half and half and I thought it would be delicious in bread, and since our bananas were past the delicious stage and on to speckled, I figured I should use those too.

so here is what I came up with:
5 speckled bananas
1/2 cup half and half
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder( it says baking on it so I figured I couldn't go wrong adding it to my bread)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups flour

mix it all together. pop in a 350 oven for 40 minutes. It actually turned out really good. It's super sweet and really "mushy" as the handsome one puts it. Definitely a bread for kids! So I'm going to give it to my young woman tomorrow during my lesson! I'm pleased with it, it doesn't look very pretty in slices though... oh well, excellent I'd say for a first time made up baked bread!

UPDATE: it tates like fudge and has the consistency of fudge, so if you add 1 and 1/2 more flour and 1/2 cup white sugar it will come out more like traditional banana bread!

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