Thursday, May 30, 2013

So Grateful

Today I had the amazing opportunity to sing at a wonderful woman's funeral. I was able to stay with her for two weeks last year when I first met Ken and moved into the singles ward. Her name is Joyce Lee. She was so sweet and fun! She was so nice and always complimented me on my outfits and asked how my different dates were. When I would come home from one and tell her how it went she gave me the best advice and told me to give that guy another try or definitely stay away from that one. She also loved grilled cheese sandwiches. Her funeral was so beautiful, and I loved singing in her memory. Her grandson Adam played for me and we did How Great Thou Art. It was so beautiful.

While I was there I kept thinking  about what an amazing husband and family I have. I am so grateful that we have the plan of happiness and know where we come from, why we are here, and where we are going. I just had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I am so grateful for my wonderful husband. He really is the best kind of man. And I don't know why Heavenly Father blessed me with him but I am so grateful that He did. He is so supportive and loving and brave and strong and we are so happy together. Did you ever imagine life could be this wonderful? Well let me tell you, it can!!

And I am so grateful that our family can be together forever! Ken and I get to be sealed for time and allllll eternity in 6 months! ahhh I am soooooo excited!!! And we are so lucky to have such wonderful families with all their craziness and commotion. They are so supportive and encouraging and we are so lucky to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and that we have the plan of happiness. I am so grateful to know that our Heavenly Father loves us and has sent us here to get a body and learn and grow, and then sent a Savior to provide an atonement so that we can live with our Father in Heaven and families again after this life.

We are so blessed and I am so grateful to have such a wonderful life. I know things are really hard sometimes with trials and our bodies not cooperating and worrying about the future but it's so nice to know that there is a bigger picture and that the Lord knows each and every one of us. I went to a huge concert the other night and I loved knowing that with all those thousands of people the Lord knows each of us individually, that he hears our prayers, and that He gives us all the blessings He can.

We are so blessed to know such amazing truths and to have each other. I love my amazing husband and am so happy that we are at the beginning of a super long and awesome eternal road together. I know that may sound long, but it sounds perfect to me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are happy and that you are looking forward to your sealing day! Congrats. I, too, am grateful for the knowledge and blessings of the temple!
