Today I was called to be Primary Chorister in our ward. In our religion no one gets paid, it's all volunteer and we are asked by our Bishop if we would like to serve in a specific calling or capacity. Like leading the music in Primary. Primary is where the children 3-11 come and learn about our Savior and I get the privilege to teach them amazing and beautiful songs!
Right now we are working on a song that talks about how we know our Savior lives and loves us. I am so grateful for this opportunity. I love music, and love being able to work with these amazing and sweet children. I pray about how I want to teach the songs, and I work with an amazing pianist and other primary leader to make sure things go great. We sing fun songs, songs that are peaceful, do activities, and most importantly I try to help the Children know how much Heavenly Father loves them.
I say this calling is a miracle because it is. It takes a lot of prep work during the week, and is very tiring to do each Sunday. But I feel so wonderful and at peace while I'm teaching, and feel the Spirit so strongly, which is wonderful. Also Heavenly Father has made it so my body doesn't poop out in the middle of my time teaching. We have been very blessed.
And the new supplements I'm taking from Thrive have been helping calm my inflammation and discomfort levels at an amazing rate, and I'm able to think and focus much better not being so uncomfortable in my own body, which is also a miracle!
Another miracle is that things with the adoption agency and paper work and timing of the progress of our current foster children are all falling into place. We are so blessed and know that Heavenly Father is watching over us and helping us. The children are reaching their milestones and doing very well. Ken and I are so happy with our decision to foster and adopt.
And another miracle, it will be a year in a few weeks that I lost my first baby. And I'm ok. I am ok knowing that I can't have children, and I am looking forward to adoption, and not fearing it. I know and have seen the Lord guide us to people, place friends in our path, get us on the right track of information to be ready, and the fear of the unknown with adoption is all but a little flicker of nervousness. I know our children that are meant for us will come to us at the right time, the Lord's time.
I have been so blessed with an amazing and supportive husband who believes in me. I have been blessed with Friends Denise and Dexter who have changed my health and wellness forever, and I have been so blessed by our Heavenly Father to have so many miracles, tender mercies and incredible experiences. I love knowing that Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer. I love the opportunity I now have to teach beautiful special children just how special they really are and how much Heavenly Father loves them. I can't wait to see and experience the miracles that are sure to come this year as Ken and I try our best to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and make the best choices we can.
Don't be afraid to recognize and live a life of miracles!!
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